This one is for the guys! Here’s a list of 10 items that you NEED for your freshman year dorm experience! These aren’t your normal things either like pencils lol, this list is specifically for the things that as a student myself, I found were essential! Aka, the fun things! Hope it helps!
Porn’s Lasting Corruption Over Your Mind
This article is my story. It’s my mess that Christ made into my message. Click to read into the lasting effects porn places over your life, and the reality of corruption that porn creates.
there is only ONE relationship that can free you from porn…
Ending Your Porn Battle. Part 2. Hey guys! Parker here! So, in my last article, I opened up and dove into the meaning of what exactly laying it all down for Christ truly means regarding the pornographic industry. Throughout the…
“The Last Straw” Ending Your Porn Battle
Hey guys! My name is Parker! I am a nineteen-year-old college student who just over a year ago (2019) got out of an addiction. This addiction is one that 90% of all young men are either currently trapped in or…
How to Avoid Toxic College Dating
Dating in college is weird. And that’s putting it nicely. I mean, when I arrived at college, the thing everyone was talking about was dating & marriage. The upperclassmen called it the Freshman Frenzy, and the funny thing was, they…
10 Tips you NEED when Applying for College
I am gonna be completely honest with you say that the process to get into college along with lining up all the details is truthfully more daunting than college life itself. Therefore, let’s dive into 10 tips for the college…
Morning Routine for the Non- Morning Person
Okay okay okay- we’re about to get pretty honest in this one. Because let’s be real- honest college morning routines (or morning routines in general) are like a non- existent thing! Seriously, just google it for yourself. Because I mean,…